[F77-GR 403]

Poster \"BIRDS of the COUNTRYSIDE\"
This poster shows well-known and less well-known birds which are indigenous to Central Europe.
Most of the depicted birds are quite small and difficult to watch, which is why you can hear them before you see them.

Many of the birds contribute to the propagation of trees, bushes, and other plants.
In Central Europe this affects some types of Oak, but also Beech and Hazel.

The Icterine Warbler is, incidentally, one of the few birds who can spot a Cuckuck’s egg, which he then throws out of the nest.
In the middle ages it was believed that a glance at the yellow underside of the bird would cure jaundice.

The Nightingale.
In literature, this bird is known through the sentence “It was the Nightingale and not the Lark” from Romeo and Juliet.
In addition, many more poets have written a poem, a fairytale, or a song dedicated to this bird.
In folklore, the Nightingale is the herald of spring, the bird of May and above all the symbol of love.

This poster is drawn with great attention to detail.
The birds are named in German, Latin, English, and French.
The poster is a feast for the eyes for all those who are interested in bird-watching, and for nature lovers.

Size 60 x 90 cm
Art Print on 230g paper (m²)
Double Laminated
german English